The days have passed and as you know, in Balmandir there is always work to do and things to repair. One more year Tonyo’s visit has allowed us to do a whole lot of improvements. The floor of the study room has been renovated, the whole gazebo has been painted, the slide and swings have been fixed and painted. Thanks to all these painting sessions we have achieved that Balmandir is prettier than ever.

The mosquito net fabrics of all the windows that have been torn apart from their use have also been repaired. They have purchased metal baskets, office supplies, cleaning materials, light bulbs, care materials to equip the bottle, As you can see we have done a recharge of basic things in general, which is always good.
This was more to plant potatoes, with the help of agronomic students, Hector, David and also Tonyo, it was decided to make a larger plantation of potatoes. Both small and large participated in this plantation, be it in the daily sessions of “kitchen garden” as the “extra work” on Saturdays

Now the problem is to water this great field of potatoes. That is why we had to buy a new water tank (1000l), new hoses, taps and 4 sprinklers. But we also need more power, that is why Xavi has made us come up with a majestic and powerful water pump that gives us a lot of work.
Paint and brushes have been purchased to paint the entire porch we use from a stencil to the clothes of a dark green color that makes it cleaner and more bucolic. It has been a week of work, first we had to wash and then paint. We have been doing it little by little with the collaboration of the children.

They were the youth of the house that took the paintbrushes and the paint we had left and painted everything they could, until the painting was finished. Now Balamdir reigns in the dark green color, it’s really good!
Xavi also visited us for two weeks. It has helped us in these jobs and has done more! Since for a week he has done electronic sessions with the children of the house. They were motivated !! We have also fixed one of the latrine pipes that had a water leak, we have been advised by Dayli, the new volunteer of the Awasuka project specializing in latrines.

Thank you one more year, to Friend Tonyo, to the Friends of Benicarló and “penya del Setrill” that they support! Obviously also thank Xavi for all the work done and the motivation he has given us.