The Village of Bhimphedi

Bhimphedi is a municipality located in the hill area (at an altitude of about 1,100 meters), about 50 kilometers south of Kathmandu (capital of Nepal).

Bhimphedi has about 1,500 houses with 7,000 inhabitants, distributed throughout the valley where two rivers meet. It was, prior to the construction of the Prithivi highway, crossing point of all imports from India in the Kathmandu Valley. You can still see some buildings that show the importance of this place in the past, for example the house of elephants,  where you can see a collection of elephant chairs which the royal family used to go hunting tigers.

Currently in Bhimphedi you can find a health center, several public schools, a private school, a police, a jail and shelter for children in the Nepal Children’s Organization (NCO) managed by the Friends of Nepal.

Bhimphedi by Sergio España, October 2014

Amics del Nepal also have done and do social projects in the village, in order to improve the living conditions of its people and to promote sustainable development and equality among its citizens. On this website we explain the various projects that we conducted with the community and we will explain the projects we have done in the years we have been working at this place.